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All screw holes take the same size screw (just like from the) factory. You will want to check the fit of the screws before you try to install the aluminum piece. They should turn easily into the 3 holes.

For mounting the aluminum, cut the fuzzy to fit it, and drill out the fuzzy with a 1/8“ drill bit from the back side of the aluminum using the holes in the aluminum as a guide. when you install start at the front, then the back and lastly the middle. You may have to push it up some to find the hole. You can use an ice pick or similar tool. You can tell when it's installed correctly when it's level with the door skin.

One other note: these seals are identical to the superseded part that changed in 1973. They do grab the window more than the one that was designed to be used here. We have used the “early” version on our 1975 as they do fit better.

Outer Window Fuzzy Sealing Strip at

Late Outer Door Window Scraper with Fuzzy Set at

outer_door_fuzzy.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/02 21:46 by 914rtkadmin

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