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Watch as 914Rubber founder Mark Whitesell demystifies steering racks and takes us through the steering rack rebuild process, rebuilding a 914 rack for Ian Karr.

Steering rack Type A: Type A racks are the most common on 914's and even have a casting number that includes 914 in it. 914.347.010.01, 914.347.010.06, 914.347.014.01 are the casting numbers of the type A rack. They are part of the casting and not stamped.Fits 911, 912, and 914 model years 1965-1989.

Steering rack Type B: These racks are clearly marked ZF. They do not have placards, nor do they have the bulbous body like the C racks. They were interchangeable with 911s of the same period. They are completely different castings than the type A or C. A notable difference are the stampings: ( 7820 900 165 - 20 137 ), (7820 900 166 20 214 ), and (7826955 112 / 20 286 ).

Steering rack Type C: There are several versions of Type C steering racks. Most are early 912, or 911 racks. They are characterized by the oversized bulb shape at the center. Known serial numbers are 78 20 501 115 and 78 20 900 129.

We offer three ways to replace your steering rack.

1. Type A and B Exchange: exchange your steering rack for a rebuilt rack off our shelf

Rebuilt Steering Rack Type A Exchange

Rebuilt Steering Rack Type B Exchange

2. Type A and B without exchange: you get a rebuilt rack and keep your old one

Rebuilt Steering Rack Type A

Rebuilt Steering Rack Type B

3. Type A, B, and C rebuild service: you ship us your rack and we rebuild it for you

Rebuild My Steering Rack Service Type A

Rebuild My Steering Rack Service Type B

Rebuild My Steering Rack Service Type C

And for more restoration videos from the Carma-master of 914s:

Follow Ian Karr's 914 restorations here!

steering_rack_rebuild_service.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/28 19:11 by 914rtkadmin

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